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From the Dragon’s lair: Xiaomi Mi TV 4

With the start of another year, our smartphones have started morphing into ‘Intelligent phones’. As we knew this would happen eventually, we didn’t expect the day and age where our TV would be evolving itself into something smarter too. Having seen...

Get ready for Faster Wi-Fi in 2018

Working on computer or surfing information over the phone, well it is possible because of wireless internet connectivity. We all be agreeing for the same that internet is our breath and life without internet is unimaginable. As the use of internet...

Latest News for Sony PlayStation 5

Are you a game lover or gaming freak then this is an important news for you? Whenever it comes to launch of any new game console or anything related to it, we start to lose our patience for pre-order bookings and specification of upcoming...

Five Forthcoming technologies in year 2018

We are living in high tech world, our lives our completely surrounded by latest gadgets and technologies. In every single minute world is getting an emerging and upcoming technology. As of now we can see revolution in smart phones, laptops and other...

Wireless Bose SoundSport Earbuds

Technology is moving a step ahead than our thoughts and latest devices are the best proof of this statement. Take a tour back to your memories and think about the headphones you were using in your childhood, what answer you are getting from your...

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