Get ready for Faster Wi-Fi in 2018


Working on computer or surfing information over the phone, well it is possible because of wireless internet connectivity. We all be agreeing for the same that internet is our breath and life without internet is unimaginable. As the use of internet is increasing day by day and every single day users are also increasing rapidly. To provide you fastest internet son many around the globe is working in a progressive manner and we are getting latest technologies every year.

This is so true that wireless connectivity is our life support, every single day more and more devices are getting connected over it. Very few people are using wired connection for their devices. Most of the people are using heavy bandwidth for their games and YouTube streaming. When we have fastest wireless connectivity we feel very happy and get fastest connectivity for online gaming, video calls and internet browsing. To fulfil all your requirement Intel has put all its effort to develop best Wi-Fi products and chips.

In recent years Intel is putting all its commercial and technical expertise to generate the most exciting and powerful chip with IEEE standard 802.11ax. With this chipset Intel will expand the presence in home WiFi portfolio. Intel is designing chipset for 2*2 and 4*4 routers and other retail devices.

Performance of this latest chipset-

As we know fastest internet is speed is most required for every aspect of human life and intel is doing significant changes in existing chipset to achieve best performance in terms of higher peak data and average throughput. 802.11ax is going to boost the wireless industry and it will give improvement in predecessor. This chipset is supposed to deliver up to 40 % improvement in data rates (as per study). This chipset will enhance the overall throughput even in congestive areas. This will be a milestones in wireless connectivity.

As with time need of wireless connectivity and total load is going increase we need a smarter invention to fulfil the demand. With 802.11ax it will become possible to get fastest path and intelligent support which will increase the number of connected devices. With this chipset, dream of smart home will become true in easy way. Once it will be launched, streaming of HD video or content will get more popularity.

Overall experiences with 802.11ax-

Though it is tough to predict about any new technology’s use and adaptability but initially it is important to make a smooth connection between existing infrastructure and end user’s devices. If there is any loophole in connectivity then it will certainly create a bad experience for end user. If we think about those device which are not compatible with 802.11ax. So Intel is working to improve such problems and it will be coming with 802.11ax certification and Wi-Fi certification. Only these certificates will give interoperability between multi-devices and vendors. Intel is also working to optimizing client devices and other home devices with 802.11ax.

Transition compatibility-

Without any changes to host SoC, 802.11ac infrastructure chipset can upgrade to 802.11ax. Intel home Wi Fi 802.11ax chipset will give reverse compatibility to other Wi-Fi technologies and it will also support the all client devices.

802.11ax home Wi-Fi chipsets are designed to provide best and fastest wireless connectivity for our digital life. This advance chipset is designed to give around 256 devices to connect on the same bandwidth which is actually huge. This home Wi-Fi chipset is offering consistent connectivity on more devices when they are connected to router or any other gateway. As this chipset will provide high throughput it will surely enhance the optimal performance of connected devices. 802.11ax will reduce the latency for other applications like online gaming and internet surfing. This chipset will also improve the bandwidth issues and other security issues as well.

As we can sense the future of internet surfing is going to be changes very soon once this chipset will hit the market. A new era of revolution will begin with this 802.11ax chipset but as of now it will take some more time for certifications and approvals. To experience the best internet speed you will be requiring new devices and gadgets which can support this new technology. But trust me it is going to more years and patience to get this chipset for other smaller devices.


At the end I would like to add, yes Intel 802.11ax home WiFi Chipset  will give a new definition to internet experience but we have to wait for some more time to get is functionality over the web.

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