How to do the firmware update of the Belkin n600 router?

Robert Kroner
Jul 06, 2019 06:50 PM 4 Answers General
Member Since Jun 2019
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How to do the firmware update of the Belkin n600 router?

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4 Answers
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Best Answer
Moses Dave
Aug 31, 2019

in order to do that you have to login to the web interface of the device by using the ip address ( over  there you can check that is there any updation for the firmware available or not. if there is a new firmware version you can update that

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Jul 18, 2019
  • Connect your computer or smartphone with the router's wifi network
  • open your browser and type this address:-
  • it will take you to the web interface of the Belkin router
  • Now under the Advanced Settings, go to the Utilities and under the Utilities option you have to click on the firmware update option.
  • from there you can update the firmware of your Belkin router.
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Jul 13, 2019

In this case you need to login your account

First open any browser on your computer and type at the very top of the screen the ip adress that is or https://belkin.setup

Now you see over there firmware upgrade option and you will able to upgrade the firmware of your router.

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Best Answer
Austin Harris
Jul 06, 2019

In order to do the firmware update of Belkin N600 router, first of all, you have to login into the router's configuration dashboard by visiting the IP address that is or http://belkin.setup

Over there at the bottom of the dashboard choose/goto firmware upgrade option and then you will be able to do the firmware upgrade of your router.

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Written by Robert Kroner
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