My Re6700 extender only showing the 5G network, what should i do?

Jul 21, 2019
First you need to login your linksys extender’s settings using the ip address.
Then you need to logged in into your extender settings, then click on the site survey option and try to configure the 2.4G band.
If site survey is not working you need to reset the extender and reconfigure it again.

First you need to login your linksys extender’s settings using the ip address.
Then you need to logged in into your extender settings, then click on the site survey option and try to configure the 2.4G band.
If site survey is not working you need to reset the extender and reconfigure it again.

First you need to login your linksys extender's settings using the ip address.
Then you need to logged in into your extender settings, then click on the site survey option and try to configure the 2.4G band.
If site survey is not working you need to reset the extender and reconfigure it again.

- Login into your Linksys Extender's settings using the ip address(ip address can be found under the main router settings)
- Once you are logged in into your extender settings, click on the site survey option and try to configure the 2.4G band(default password is admin)
- If site survey option is not working ,then you can reset your extender and reconfigure it again.

For this you will have to press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds.Then you have to reconfigure your extender again.

You can reset your extender to its default Settings by pressing the reset button for 30 seconds. You can now reconfigure your Extender again with both the 2G and 5G network.