How to change wifi information on the Frontier NVG468MQ Router?

Keith Kidder
Jun 20, 2019 07:32 PM 2 Answers Smart home
Member Since Jun 2019
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How to change wifi information on the Frontier NVG468MQ Router?

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jul 12, 2019

First connect router's network with any wireless device e.g. smart phone or computer.Then after it is connected ,then open on the browser.You will see home page for the settings of the router.Click on the wireless tab now and when it asks you for a password,you can check on the back of router.After you logged in successfully go to the router settings and change the network name or the password.


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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Jun 28, 2019
  • Connect your Computer or Smartphone with the Frontier Router's network
  • Once your device is connected then open your web browser and type this address:-
  • It will take you to the homepage of the Frontier Router settings
  • Now Click  on the Wireless tab
  • After that it will ask for the login password(you will find that password at the back side of your frontier router itself)
  • once you successfully logged in into your router settings then you can change the wifi information on the frontier router.
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Written by Keith Kidder
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