How can i add addblocker in my Google chrome browser?

Christopher Morella
Jun 18, 2019 10:11 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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How can i add addblocker in my Google chrome browser?

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Ron Tech
Jul 15, 2019

In such case you need to open google chrome browser and type at the search bar ublock on the google link and then you need to click on add extension.


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moses samson
Jul 01, 2019

open your browser and in the address bar search for ublock origin.

click on the first link, when you are on the ublock origin page, at the top right corner you will get an option add to chrome. click on that option it will take you to a prompt that will give you another option that says add extension.

by this you can block adds on chrome.

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Written by Christopher Morella
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