How to find the Wifi password of my Linksys router?

Frank Moore
Jun 18, 2019 10:11 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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How to find the Wifi password of my Linksys router?

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2 Answers
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Oct 04, 2019
  • Connect your computer to a free Ethernet jack on the router
  • Type in your router's address this is some variation on ""  and log into the router's administration panel.
  • Click the "Wireless" tab to access your router's wireless settings.
  • Scroll down the page until you find the router's network settings.
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Best Answer
Roman Tech
Jun 24, 2019

Step 1

Connect your computer to a free Ethernet jack on the router. Make sure that you plug your computer into a port that's grouped near several other Ethernet jacks --- the isolated Ethernet jack labeled "WAN" does not work for password recovery.

Step 2

Type in your router's address -- this is some variation on "" -- and log into the router's administration panel. Refer to your router's manual if you don't have the password or login address available.

Step 3

Click the "Wireless" tab to access your router's wireless settings.

Step 4

Scroll down the page until you find the router's network settings. The password is typically listed near a pull-down menu with wireless password settings; this menu contains settings such as "WEP and "WPA."

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Written by Frank Moore
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