I got the Fake Microsoft Popup on my browser, how to get rid of it?

John Candella
May 19, 2019 05:16 AM 7 Answers Computers & Tablets
Member Since May 2019
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I got the Fake Microsoft Popup on my browser, how to get rid of it?

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Ron Tech
Jul 15, 2019

In such case you need to go to the task manager on the computer and from there end task the current browser on which you got the fake Microsoft popup

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Best Answer
Jul 14, 2019

Press ctrl+shift+esc keys at one time and it will open a box of task bar in front of you, go to the browser list and click end task on the current browser on which you are having pop up.

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Mark Stevens
Jul 01, 2019

for that you need to close the browser from task manager. to go to task managerpress ctrl+shift+ Esc key together  right click on the browser from the list and click on end task.

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moses samson
Jun 30, 2019

the two options which you can use:-

1. press the ctrl+shift+ Esc key and then it will open the task manager and from there end task the current browser on which you got the fake Microsoft popup.

2.you can press the ctrl+alt+delete key and then click on the task manager option click on the browser and end the task.

if both of the above options are not working, then restart your computer manually by pressing the power button

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Austin Harris
Jun 13, 2019

In this case, Press and hold down Ctrl+Shift+Esc or you can right click on the blank taskbar area and then choose Task Manager, now new task manager window will come up over there you need to choose the web browser from the list and then click on end task.

This is how you will get rid off fake Microsoft popup.

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Eric Williams
May 23, 2019

There are two options which you can use:-

press the ctrl+shift+ Esc key and then it will open the task manager and from there end task the current browser on which you got the fake microsoft popup.

or you can press the ctrl+alt+delete key and then click on the task manager option

and follow the same steps as mentioned above.

if both of the above options are not working, then restart your computer manually by pressing the power button

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joey miller
May 22, 2019

You can simply close the Fake popup by just closing the browser you were using with the help of the task manager. you can open the Task manager by clicking the ctrl + shift + esc button on the keyboard at the same time. Task manager will popup you cnan select the browser from there and the click on the end task, Your browser will get close and your popup also.

Now you can do the Fresh start with your browser.

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