How to change the administrator password on belkin n600 extender using my smartphone?

Sinead E Brooks
May 20, 2019 12:57 AM 3 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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How to change the administrator password on belkin n600 extender using my smartphone?

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3 Answers
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Jul 16, 2019
  • On your smartphone ,login into the Belkin extender’s settings by using the ip address(you can find the ip address in the main router’s settings under the connected devices list)
  • Once you are logged in the extender’s settings
  • click on the administrator option from the left hand side and from there you can change your administrator password.
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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jul 01, 2019

On the smart phone,login to on the browser.Then go to settings and click on the admin option on the left and you can change the admin password from there.




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Best Answer
Eric Williams
May 23, 2019
  • On your smartphone ,login into the belkin extender's settings by using the ip address(you can find the ip address in the main router's settings under the connected devices list)
  • Once you are logged in the extender's settings
  • click on the administrator option from the left hand side and from there you can change your administrator password.
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Written by Sinead E Brooks
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