How to connect linksys re3000w extender with the linksys router using wps option?

Carl J McCarthy
May 10, 2019 06:13 AM 3 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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How to connect linksys re3000w extender with the linksys router using wps option?

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3 Answers
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Best Answer
Jul 17, 2019

To connect linksys re3000w extender with the linksys router using wps option just Place the Linksys range extender nearby to your home router and power it on for the initial setup. Then you have to press the WPS button on your extender and hold it down for about 5-7 seconds.  Press WPS button on your home router and wait for the extender lights to get stable and then try to connect any of your wireless devices with the extended network.

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jun 12, 2019

Place the extender near to to the router. press and hold wps button for 5 seconds.Then Press WPS button on Linksys router for 10 seconds.Once the lights are stable on extender you are on to connect devices with extender.

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Best Answer
joey miller
May 23, 2019

You can follow these steps to setup your Linksys RE3000W Range Extender:-

  • Place the Linksys range extender nearby to your home router and power it on for the initial setup.
  • Press the WPS button on your extender and hold it down for 3-5 seconds.
  • Within the 1-minute press WPS button on your home router.
  • Wait for the extender lights get stable and now try to connect any of your wireless devices with the extended network.
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Written by Carl J McCarthy
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