My orbi is not dectecting the satellite, what should i do?

May 07, 2019 01:23 AM 3 Answers General
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My orbi is not dectecting the satellite, what should i do?

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Best Answer
Jul 18, 2019

Just check that  Orbi satellite’s ring lights solid magenta or pulses magenta after that please move the Orbi router closer to your Orbi satellite. Move  the Orbi satellite closer to the Orbi router and If  it's ring LED is still pulsing magenta then after about one minute, push the Sync button on the back of the Orbi router and Orbi satellite both simultaneously.

It will connect your Orbi satellite with the Orbi router.

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jun 16, 2019

To Connect ORBI  satellite, if its blinking then take ORBI router near to the satellite and press both SYNC button on both router and satellite.ORBI satellite will be connected to the router.

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Best Answer
joey miller
May 29, 2019

Steps you can follow:-

  • If your Orbi satellite's ring lights solid magenta or pulses magenta, move the Orbi router closer to your Orbi satellite.
  • If the Orbi satellite's ring LED is still pulsing magenta after about one minute, and you already moved the Orbi satellite closer to the Orbi router, press the Sync button on the back of the Orbi router and on the back of the Orbi satellite.
  • Your Orbi satellite should be connected with the Orbi router
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Written by jguenser
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