How to reset belkin extender through the web interface?

Don Cone
May 05, 2019 09:06 AM 3 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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How to reset belkin extender through the web interface?

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Best Answer
Jul 19, 2019

To reset belkin extender through the web interface we need to have the IP address which is assigned by the router. To get the ip address we have to follow some steps. Using your computer or smartphone go to the login of your main router settings. Go to the connected devices list to find the ip address for your belkin extender. On your browser type that ip address to go to belkin extender’s login page. On the left hand side, click on the restore factory defaults option and then from there you can reset your extender.

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jun 18, 2019

In order to reset belkin extender we need to have the IP address which is assigned by the router. To check that First we need to login to the router settings >> go to connected device's list >> find the belkin IP address >>use this IP address on the browser to go to web interface >> restore factory default >> reset the extender.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Jun 02, 2019

In order to reset belkin extender through the web interface, we need to find the ip address of our extender which is provided by the main router and to get the ip address we have to follow these steps:-

  • Login into the main router settings using your computer or smartphone.
  • Once you are logged in , go to the connected devices list and find the ip address for your belkin extender
  • Now type that ip address on your browser and then it will take you to the belkin extender's web interface.
  • From the left hand side, click on the restore factory defaults option and then from there you can reset your extender.
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Written by Don Cone
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