How can we change the password for the login page of xfinity?

Scott whitting
May 14, 2019 12:33 PM 4 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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How can we change the password for the login page of xfinity?

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4 Answers
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Best Answer
Jul 14, 2019

If you are logging first time into the Xfinity router than  you will get the option to change the default password, at that option you would be able to  change the default password and keep password of your own choice.

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jun 10, 2019

After you login in the xfinity router by default credentials (user name : admin,,password : password.)it will give give you the option to change the password.

OR   you can change the password by going to the setting after you logged in.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
May 17, 2019

For the First time, whenever  you are going to the login into your xfinity router settings using your default information(default username is admin and password is password) then after that it will give you option to change the default password.


we can also change the password after login into the router settings

You need to click on the change password option from the right top side of the screen

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Best Answer
Austin Harris
May 15, 2019

At the very first time logging into the Xfinity router you will get the option to change the default password, over there you can change the default password according to your choice.

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Written by Scott whitting
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