My base station is not showing on my arlo account, What should i do?

May 04, 2019 07:03 PM 5 Answers General
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My base station is not showing on my arlo account, What should i do?

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Jul 20, 2019
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Best Answer
Jul 13, 2019

IF THE BASE STATION IS NOT SHOWS YOUR ARLO ACCOUNT THEN IN THIS CASE WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING STEPS                                                                TURN ON THE BASE STATION                                                                                                CONNECT THE ETHERNET CABLE FROM THE MAIN ROUTER AND THE BASE STATION                                                                                                                                            AND THEN WE HAVE TO REBOOT THE BASE STATION BY PRESSING THE RESET BUTTON 30 SECONDS AND THEN RELEASE   AND WAIT TILL THE INTERNET LIGHT BECOME STABLE GREEN                                                                                                LOGIN ON TO YOUR ARLO  ACCOUNT MAKE SURE THAT THAT THE COMPUTER SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO THE SAME ROUTER  FROM WHICH THE BASE STATION IS CONNECTED                                                                                                          NOW CLICK ON ADD DEVICE OPTION                                                                                          ONCE YOUR BASE STATION IS CONNECTED WE HAVE TO  SYNC THE ARLO CAMERAS WITH THE BASE STATION                                                                                   IN ORDER TO SYNC THE CAMERA WE HAVE TO PRESS THE SYNC BUTTON ON THE BASE STATION FOR 3 SECONDS AND THEN ON THE CAMERAS FOR 3 SECONDS THEN A BLUE LIGHT START FLASHING AND IT BECOMES STABLE IT MEANS THAT THE CAMERAS ARE SYNCED                                                                                                              WE HAVE TO REPEAT THE STEPS AGAIN  TO SYNC THE CAMERAS WITH THE BASE STATION OTHER CAMERAS


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Best Answer
Jul 13, 2019

IF THE BASE STATION IS NOT SHOWS YOUR ARLO ACCOUNT THEN IN THIS CASE WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING STEPS                                                                TURN ON THE BASE STATION                                                                                                CONNECT THE ETHERNET CABLE FROM THE MAIN ROUTER AND THE BASE STATION                                                                                                                                            AND THEN WE HAVE TO REBOOT THE BASE STATION BY PRESSING THE RESET BUTTON 30 SECONDS AND THEN RELEASE   AND WAIT TILL THE INTERNET LIGHT BECOME STABLE GREEN                                                                                                LOGIN ON TO YOUR ARLO  ACCOUNT MAKE SURE THAT THAT THE COMPUTER SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO THE SAME ROUTER  FROM WHICH THE BASE STATION IS CONNECTED                                                                                                          NOW CLICK ON ADD DEVICE OPTION                                                                                          ONCE YOUR BASE STATION IS CONNECTED WE HAVE TO  SYNC THE ARLO CAMERAS WITH THE BASE STATION                                                                                   IN ORDER TO SYNC THE CAMERA WE HAVE TO PRESS THE SYNC BUTTON ON THE BASE STATION FOR 3 SECONDS AND THEN ON THE CAMERAS FOR 3 SECONDS THEN A BLUE LIGHT START FLASHING AND IT BECOMES STABLE IT MEANS THAT THE CAMERAS ARE SYNCED                                                                                                              WE HAVE TO REPEAT THE STEPS AGAIN  TO SYNC THE CAMERAS WITH THE BASE STATION OTHER CAMERAS


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Best Answer
Austin Harris
May 06, 2019

In that case, need to click on Add Device under my devices and choose the Base station.

If you are getting the message that base station not found then you need to reset the base station by pressing the reset pinhole for 30 seconds then let it go.

Once you will see the power and Internet light is solid try to add the base station.

* If you still face same issue do let us know so that we can help you further.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
May 06, 2019

Turn On your Base Station and connect an Ethernet cable between your base station and the main router
Now press and hold the reset button on your base station for atleast 30 seconds and then release it and wait for power and internet light to get stable green.
After that login into your arlo account on your computer(make sure your computer should be connected to that same router with which your base station is)
Now click on Add a Device option
select base station and hit continue after that you can add your base station
once your base station is added, then you can synch you cameras with the base station
To Sync Your cameras, press and hold the sync button on your base station for 3 seconds and then press and hold the sync button on your camera for 2 seconds and then blue light will start flashing, once its get stop, it means your camera is synched ,
Then you have repeat this same process for every camera.

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