How do i wirelessly connect my HP Officejet 4620 printer using usb cable?

Raymond Brzezniak
Apr 24, 2019 12:20 PM 4 Answers Printers
Member Since Apr 2019
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How do i wirelessly connect my HP Officejet 4620 printer using usb cable?

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4 Answers
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Best Answer
Roman Baker
Jul 28, 2019

To wirelessly connect  HP Officejet 4620 printer using usb cable make the connection between the printer and your computer with USB cable. Go to the browser and type    to download the printer drivers from the internet for your printer. Go the downloaded file and click on run option and just follow  the onscreen instructions to do the printer setup. It will easily setup your printer.

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jul 21, 2019

To connect HP officejet 3620 printer , first connect the USB cable between your printer and the computer.Download the printer drivers from the internet using the link Run the downloaded file and follow the instruction given on the screen.Set up is completed.

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Best Answer
Austin Harris
Apr 27, 2019

Follow these instructions in order to do the setup of HP Officejet 4620 printer:

1 Connect the usb cable between the printer and your computer.

2 Download the printer drivers from

3 Run the downloaded file and for the onscreen instructions to do the printer setup.

*If you face any kind of issue while doing the setup do write us back so that we can help you further.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Apr 27, 2019

First of all, make sure that Hp printer software is installed on your computer and also make sure that your computer should be wifi compatible.

Once this software is installed, then we need to follow some steps which are as followed:-

  • Launch the Printer Software on your computer
  • Select Utilities on the top of the Printer Software screen
  • Select Printer Setup & Software
  • Select Convert a USB connected printer to Wireless(make sure your printer is connected to the computer using the usb cable)
  • now follow the steps on the screen and complete the setup process
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