How to change the SSID and password of Ubee DDW36C Router/Modem?

Marcia Rohrbacher
Apr 06, 2019 09:35 AM 2 Answers Smart home
Member Since Apr 2019
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How to change the SSID and password of Ubee DDW36C Router/Modem?

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2 Answers
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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jul 25, 2019

To change the SSID and password of Ubee DDW36C Router or Modem, First we need to plug in the router to the power . Connect any wireless device the router's network.Reset the router if any changes have been made before.Open   OR on the browser.Now on the web page,click on wireless,then on the left click on Primary network.From the scroll down select WPA/WPA2 ENCRYPTION SHARED KEY.You will see the password or serial number of the device.check the box that says show password.Delete the default key and enter your personal password.Now at the bottom on the scroll down click on apply.It's done now.


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Best Answer
joey miller
Apr 12, 2019

Steps to change the SSID and password of Ubee DDW36C Router/Modem:-

  • Open a Web Browser and type or in the URL address field.
  • On your Web UI, top menu, click “Wireless
  • On the left hand side menu, click “Primary Network”,Scroll down a little.
  • You can see black dots in “WPA/WPA2 Encryption Shared Key”. This is the password / Serial Number of your device.
  • Click the “Show Key” box to see the password.
  • Delete the default key and enter your own personal password.
  • Scroll down until the bottom of the page and click “Apply”.
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Written by Marcia Rohrbacher
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