What is the difference between Preshared Key and router password?

Roland Bockhorst
Apr 05, 2019 09:10 AM 3 Answers General
Member Since Apr 2019
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What is the difference between Preshared Key and router password?

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Ron Tech
Oct 11, 2019

The only difference between Preshared Key and router password is . The password lets you access the access point settings. The WEP key or WPA/WPA2 preshared key/passphrase allows printers and computers to join your wireless network

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jul 28, 2019

Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key (WPA-PSK) is a security mechanism used to authenticate and validate users on a wireless LAN (WLAN) or Wi-Fi connection. It is also known as wifi password.However Router password is the router login page password for which the user name is admin.


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Best Answer
joey miller
Apr 12, 2019

Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key (WPA-PSK) is a security mechanism used to authenticate and validate users on a wireless LAN (WLAN) or Wi-Fi connection. It is a variation of the WPA security protocol.

WPA-PSK is also known as WPA2-PSK or WPA Personal.

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Written by Roland Bockhorst
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