How do i setup Linksys re6300 with my Modem router?

In such case first you need to plug in your extender near by the router for the initial setup and after that you need to press the wps button of the extender for 3 second and after that press the wps button on the router for 3 second once the light get solid connect any device with the extender network to make sure you are getting the internet from extender if its working you need to unplug it place it any where

To setup Linksys re6300 with my Modem router , first make sure that the extender should be placed near to the router just for initial setup.Now press the WPS button on the extender and press it for 3 to 5 seconds.Make sure within 1 minute you press WPS button on the router.Now wait for the extender's light , untill it gets stable, then try to connect any of the wireless devices to the extender.For 5GHz network you will have to follow the same process and same steps again.

You can follow these steps to setup your Linksys RE6300 Range Extender:-
>Place the Linksys range extender nearby to your home modem/router and power it on for the initial setup.
>Press the WPS button on your extender and hold it down for 3-5 seconds.
>Within the 1-minute press WPS button on your home router.
>Wait for the extender lights get stable and now try to connect any of your wireless devices with the extended network.
*If you want to connect your range extender with 5GHz network then repeat the same steps once again.

You can setup your linksys re 6300 extender using the WPS button.
Note(make sure that the extender is kept closer to the router under 5 feet)
- Press and hold the WPS button on the linksys Extender for 5 seconds.
- Within 2 minutes, press the WPS button on your wireless router.And wait for at least 2 minutes while the extender connects to your existing wireless network.If successful, the WPS LED on your Extender turns solid green.
- Unplug your device and keep it in between router and dead zone.
- Â Connect your WiFi devices with the WiFi extended network (.ext) you created with the help of extender.