How to Grant the access to other person from my arlo account?

jack byars
Mar 28, 2019 02:21 PM 3 Answers General
Member Since Mar 2019
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How to Grant the access to other person from my arlo account?

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Jul 30, 2019

To Grant the access to other person from my arlo account,first you will have to login to the arlo account either on a computer or on a smart phone.Now goto settings,on the left click on grant access option,click on add and enter the details of the person.Then select the number of cameras which you want to allow access to the other person.Save the settings.Once it's done , other person will receive an e-mail from arlo for activating the e-mail.Once it's confirmed,then the other person will be successfully added.

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Best Answer
Mar 29, 2019

Follow the step that are written below to give grant access of your camera to other person :

  1.  At first , login into your account with your smartphone or computer and then go to setting over there .
  2.  Please select grant access option from left hand side corner and then click on add and enter the details of the person. Once you done then select the No. of cameras that you want to provide access to another user and then save the settings.
  3.  Other user get email verification that he has to confirm and then you good to go.
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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Mar 28, 2019
  • login into your arlo account from your computer or smartphone
  • Go to the settings
  • select the grant access option from the left hand side
  • Now click on Add and enter the details of the other person
  • after that select the no. of cameras on which you want to provide access to another user
  • save the settings
  • Now another user will get an activation email from the arlo that he has to confirm.
  • grant access setup done.
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Written by jack byars
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