how to use Asus RT AC88U as a access point?

Mar 24, 2019 02:22 AM 3 Answers General
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how to use Asus RT AC88U as a access point?

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Mar 26, 2019

IF your router is already configured then you need to login into your router settings and for that you need to open the web browser on your computer or smartphone and then type this address:- or

then enter your login information(default username and password  is admin for both)

Now go to the Administration Tab and under the operation mode

select access point and hit next and then complete setup process.

And if your router is not configured yet then  on the first place you need to select access point mode under operation mode and then complete  the setup.

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Best Answer
Mar 24, 2019

In order to setup you asus router as a printer please follow these steps that are written below.

  1. At first you need to rest your router , for that please press the reset button on router for at least 30 Second and make sure that you router is directly plugged in with wall socket.
  2. Then connect your computer or any mobile phone with available Asus router wireless-ly or with wire and the open any browser on your devices.
  3. Put on the address bar of your browser and then you will see Asus setup page. where you need to choose setup as access point and complete the setup . ( when it ask to connect the wire from modem to router please plugged in Ethernet wire from modem to LAN port of your router )
  4. Once you complete the setup router will work as access point.
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Best Answer
joey miller
Mar 24, 2019
  • First you have to log into the web GUI with the help of the IP ( or
  • Click Administration -> Operation Mode.
  • Select Access Point(AP) mode and click Save.
  • To automatically obtain LAN IP: Internet Setup > Get LAN IP automatically? > Select [Yes].
  • Set up the Network name (SSID) and password for the Wireless setting.
  • Click Apply to save all the settings. Done.
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