How to setup Arris SB8200 Modem?

Harvey William Wagley
Mar 14, 2019 09:57 PM 1 Answers Smart home
Member Since Mar 2019
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How to setup Arris SB8200 Modem?

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joey miller
Mar 15, 2019


  • Connect the coaxial cable to a cable wall outlet (if not connected) and the Cable connector on the rear of the SB8200 cable modem.  Hand-tighten the connectors to avoid damaging them.
  • Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the computer or router and to the Ethernet port 1 on the back of the SB8200 cable modem.
  • Connect the power cord to the Power port on the rear of the SB8200 cable modem and then plug it into an electrical wall outlet.
  • Check for solid 4 LEDs on the front panel of the SB8200 cable modem.  The Power, Receive, Send, and Online LEDs flash during the initial startup.
  • Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box and press the Enter key.  The ARRIS website should open.

NOTE: Some service provider may allow automatic activation which will automatically launch a special website when the browser is open.  If the self-activation is unsuccessful, gather the Media Access Control (MAC) address (HFC MAC ID) and the Serial number (S/N) listed on the bottom label of the modem and contact the service provider to activate the modem.

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Written by Harvey William Wagley
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