What is the main reason if your phone or tab is not connected with network

Karin Brackin
Mar 12, 2019 02:48 AM 3 Answers General
Member Since Mar 2019
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What is the main reason if your phone or tab is not connected with network

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3 Answers
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Oct 12, 2019

If you are experiencing issues with the Internet on your phone or tab, where it is connecting and disconnecting again and again, it could be due to multiple possible reasons If all devices on your network have the same problem with the Internet, it is likely an issue with the cable or DSL modem, network router, or ISP

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Mar 13, 2019

There are few reasons due to which your phone or tablet is not connecting to network which are as follows:-

  1. Wifi signal strength is not good
  2. Not entering the correct wifi password
  3. Older setting is saved under the same wifi network(might be you need to forget the network and re-enter the password)
  4. Phone's or tablet's Software is not upto dated
  5. Might be there is a hardware issue on the phone itself
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Best Answer
joey miller
Mar 13, 2019

Some operating systems provide a clue that there’s a problem, like the Wi-Fi signal adapter showing an exclamation point in it. In others, you’ll need to drill into network status or settings.

  1. In Android: Settings > About Phone > Status.
  2. In iOS: Settings > Wi-Fi and tap the “i” info button.

Make sure you’re entering the password or username and password absolutely correctly

  • Check whether you were given the password with correct capitalization, which counts in Wi-Fi passwords as in others.
  • Make sure you’ve selected the correct network.
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Written by Karin Brackin
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