How to setup Arlo VMS3430-100 Cameras?

Mar 10, 2019 08:06 AM 2 Answers Camera & Camcorders
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How to setup Arlo VMS3430-100 Cameras?

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2 Answers
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Jul 19, 2019

In such case make sure your camera is under 3,4 feet to the base station and then you need to prees the sync button on the camera and after that press the sync button on the base station. if blue light blinks rapidly to confirm sync.

Congrats, your camera is setup now.


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Best Answer
joey miller
Apr 16, 2019

Steps to sync your camera to the base-station:-

  1. Bring the camera within 1 to 3 feet (30 to 100 centimeters) of the base station.
  2. . Press the Sync button on the base station for about two seconds and then
    release the button.
  3. Wait for the sync status LED on the base station to light green.
  4. Press the Sync button on top of the camera for about two seconds and then
    release the button.
  5. A blue LED on the camera blinks slowly when the sync process starts. The blue
    LED blinks rapidly to confirm sync.
  6. Repeat for each camera.
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Written by lyonsb0710
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