how to connect my linksys extender with my router?

Feb 25, 2019 09:39 AM 5 Answers General
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how to connect my linksys extender with my router?

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Best Answer
Mar 02, 2019
  • Turn On your Linksys Extender
  • Connect your computer or smartphone with the extender’s wifi network
  • Now open your web browser and type this address:- or
  • It will take you to the Linksys extender’s setup page
  • Now follow the setup instructions on the screen and complete the setup
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Feb 28, 2019

To connect your linksys extender with router you need t follow some steps:

> First place extender near by your home router for the initial setup.

> press and hold the wps button fro 3 to 5 second.

> With in one minute press the wps button for your home router.

> Now you need to wait some time if light is solid then try to connect any wireless                        device with extender network.

> Now your extender is configured.



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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Feb 27, 2019
  • Turn On your Linksys Extender
  • Connect your computer or smartphone with the extender's wifi network
  • Now open your web browser and type this address:- or
  • It will take you to the Linksys extender's setup page
  • Now follow the setup instructions on the screen and complete the setup
  • once the setup is complete then you can connect your wireless devices with the extended network.

Or we can setup linksys extender through the wps option

For that we need to press and hold the wps button from the extender for 3 seconds and then within 2 minutes press and hold the wps button for 3 seconds from the main router.

once you see the stable light on the extender ,it means that extender is configured.


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Best Answer
Feb 26, 2019

Linksys  Range Extender:-
1. Place the Linksys range extender nearby to your home router and power it on for the initial setup.( Make Sure it is plugged in with wall socket).
2.Press the WPS button on your extender and hold it down for 3-5 seconds ,Within  1 minute press WPS button on your home router.

3 Wait for some time . if  the extender lights get stable then  try to connect any of your wireless devices with the extended network by using router password.

Then you good to go.

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Best Answer
Austin Harris
Feb 26, 2019

You can follow these steps to setup your Linksys Range Extender:-

>Place the Linksys range extender nearby to your home router and power it on for the initial setup.

>Press the WPS button on your extender and hold it down for 3-5 seconds.

>Within the 1-minute press WPS button on your home router.

>Wait for the extender lights get stable and now try to connect any of your wireless devices with the extended network.

*If you want to connect your range extender with 5GHz network then repeat the same steps once again.

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