My arlo Base station vmb4000 is not showing up the internet light(middle light), what should i do?

william gillies
Feb 17, 2019 02:21 AM 1 Answers Camera & Camcorders
Member Since Feb 2019
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My arlo Base station vmb4000 is not showing up the internet light(middle light), what should i do?

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joey miller
Apr 06, 2019

Steps you should try:-

  • Try to reboot your base-station.
  • Unplug the power cable from the router and plug it back again after 10 sec.
  • Check if the internet is working fine on your computer if not try to contact with your ISP(Internet Service Provider.
  • Make sure that the LAN wire is connected properly between the base-station and the router.
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Written by william gillies
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