how do i setup my extender linksys RE6400?

Alex Thomas
Feb 16, 2019 08:21 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2019
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how do i setup my extender linksys RE6400?

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joey miller
Mar 27, 2019

You can setup your Linksys extender using the WPS button.

Note(make sure that the extender is kept closer to the router under 5 feet)

  1. Press and hold the WPS button on the linksys Extender for 5 seconds.
  2. Within 2 minutes, press the WPS button on your wireless router.And wait for at least 2 minutes while the extender connects to your existing wireless network.If successful, the WPS LED on your Extender turns solid green.
  3. Unplug your device and keep it in between router and dead zone.
  4.  Connect your WiFi devices with the WiFi extended network (.ext) you created with the help of extender.
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Written by Alex Thomas
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