how i will do the setup of my smart tv with asus router. can it done by the ip address of the router by login in the router page?

richard hoffman
Feb 11, 2019 04:15 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2019
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how i will do the setup of my smart tv with asus router. can it done by the ip address of the router by login in the router page?

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joey miller
Apr 19, 2019

You don't need any IP address to connect your TV with the asus router , you just have to connect with WiFi

Steps to connect your smart TV with the WiFi:-

  • Go to the menu option of your TV.
  • From there you click on the network & choose the wireless.
  • From the wireless choose your WiFi name and put the security key for your WiFi.
  • Your TV is now connected with the WiFi.
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Written by richard hoffman
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