How to Setup Arlo VMB3500 Basestation?

Emily Ferguson
Feb 09, 2019 10:09 PM 2 Answers Camera & Camcorders
Member Since Feb 2019
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How to Setup Arlo VMB3500 Basestation?

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Feb 26, 2022

On the query of how to set up arlo base station of Arlo VMB3500, then follow the given steps in the exact order and your arlo setup will be done – 

  1. Get an ethernet cable because we will be needing the cable to forge a connection between the arlo setup base station and home router.
  2. Open the browser on your computer/ laptop. 
  3. Run the link on your computer because we are making arlo account. Get done with it for once and then follow the next step. Just follow the instructions flashing on your desktop. 

Now we will be syncing the cameras to the Arlo VMB3500 base station – 

  1. Make sure that for now, your camera is within the distance of one to three feet of your base station. Later you may re-locate them. 
  2. Now, you may locate the sync button on your base station for further arlo setup.
  3. Press the button for about two seconds. Wait till the LED starts to go solid green. 
  4. On your camera, there is also a sync button. Press it now and make sure to press it for two seconds. 
  5. Now, wait till the camera LED goes blue. 

If you have multiple cameras, then you have to repeat the steps with each camera in order to get the fix of query how to set up arlo base station. You will then be done with the VMB3500 base station arlo setup.  

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Best Answer
joey miller
Mar 31, 2019
  • First you have to Connect the base station to your router using an Ethernet cable.
  • Create an Arlo account in, From there click or tap New System Setup and follow the on screen prompts.

Steps to sync the cameras:-

  • Bring the camera within 1 to 3 feet of the base station.
  • Press the Sync button on the base station for about two seconds and then
    release the button.
  • . Wait for the sync status LED on the base station to light green.
  • Press the Sync button on top of the camera for about two seconds and then
    release the button. The blue LED blinks rapidly to confirm sync.
  • Repeat for each camera.
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Written by Emily Ferguson
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