how i will connect my alexa device with wifi ?

Rob Parris
Feb 09, 2019 09:59 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2019
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how i will connect my alexa device with the wifi?

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Best Answer
Jul 16, 2019

IN ORDER TO CONNECT THE ALEXA DEVICE WITH THE WIFI WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING STEPS                                                                                                              TURN ON YOUR ALEXA ECHO DEVICE                                                                                  OPEN YOUR  ALEXA APPLICATION ON YOUR MOBILE PHONE                                             LOGIN INTO YOUR AMAZON ACCOUNT                                                                                       CLICK ON ADD A NEW  DEVICE                                                                                                        SELECT THE ALEXA DEVICE AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE SCREEN AND COMPLETE THE SETUP

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Best Answer
joey miller
Mar 30, 2019

There are some steps that we need to follow in order to connect it to the wifi:-

  1. Turn On your Alexa Echo Device.
  2. Open your alexa application on your smartphone.
  3. Login into your amazon account.
  4. Click on the add a new a new device.
  5. select your alexa device and follow the instructions on the screen and complete the setup process.
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