How much internet downloading/Upload speed required for arlo cameras?

John Haxby1
Feb 07, 2019 04:09 AM 2 Answers Camera & Camcorders
Member Since Feb 2019
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How much internet downloading/Upload speed required for arlo cameras?

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2 Answers
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Ron Tech
Apr 27, 2019

Arlo cameras need 1 mbps minimum speed for working properly

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joey miller
Apr 02, 2019

A high-speed Internet connection (minimum 1 Mbps upstream recommended).

NOTE:-Arlo works with the minimum requirements, but the functionality and video quality might be negatively affected. The lower your upstream bandwidth, the greater the possibility of the following performance issues:

  • Video quality might be pixelated and unclear.
  • You might experience a delay in starting a live stream.
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Written by John Haxby1
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