How to reconfigure amped router with the new network?

Carney Shenk
Jan 13, 2019 06:03 AM 1 Answers Smart home
Member Since Jan 2019
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How to reconfigure amped router with the new network?

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Aug 01, 2019

Turn off your existing modem and remove the battery from  the modem if it has one Connect your modem and  router with the help of ethernet cable. Now turn on the  adapter of the modem or insret battery back if it has one and turn it on. It will take two minutes wait till the power LED go in solid state. Insert Ethernet cable into your computer and into the router. Go to your web browser and type in the top address or URL bar then hit enter key. It will open a login window. Enter the username and password. The default username and password is "admin" for both. Just follow the instructions on the page to do the set up. You can do the desired settings like new name for network or password of your own choice and click next. It will do the set up automatically.

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Written by Carney Shenk
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