Linksys Extender got disconnected from the router after 3 months, why?
There could various reason why the extender got disconnected after 3 months :
- Â Maybe there was a power Outage
- The extender might have got updated with the latest firmware
- Settings on the primary router like the name and the password might have been changed
- Changing internet service provider
- changing the router
- Maybe the extender was reset by someone.
There is some reasons its not working properly:-
If had made changes of router wireless setting
May be some hardware Issue
or May be some firmware update
1) Due to the Power Failure
2) By Changing any information on the router
3) Or there was any hardware issue
There are some reason:
Due to power outage
if you change any settings from the router
Or may beit is hardware issue
There are three reasons:-
1) Due to the Power Failure
2) By Changing any information on the router
3) Or there was any hardware issue
There are three reasons:-
1) Due to the Power Failure
2) By Changing any information on the router
3) Or there was any hardware issue
If the Linksys extender got Disconnected after three Months, That could be because of the following reasons.
> New Automatic Firmware update
> If had made any Changes to the Routers Wireless Settings
> Maybe due to a Power Outage
> If the extender was connected to a Power Surge Protector
> If recently moved the extender to a different location of the house may be far from the Primary Router.
> Last but not the least if the extender itself has gone bad or damaged.