how can i connect my echo dot with my velop

george feth
Dec 07, 2018 12:24 AM 2 Answers Smart home
Member Since Dec 2018
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how can i connect my echo dot with my velop

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Best Answer
Aug 06, 2019

Open your smartphone & download the amazon alexa app. Go to your alexa echo device and turn it on. Open the alexa app on your smartphone it will take to the login of your amazon account. Click on the option of add a device. Select your echo device from the list of available devices. Just follow the instructions provided by the applications to complete the setup.


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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Dec 21, 2018

> First of all, download the amazon alexa app on your smartphone
> Now turn on your alexa echo device
> open the alexa app on your smartphone
> login into your amazon account
> click on add a device option
> select your echo device
> then follow the instructions provided by the applications and complete the setup

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1 comment
  • > First of all, download the amazon alexa app on your smartphone
    > Now turn on your alexa echo device
    > open the alexa app on your smartphone
    > login into your amazon account
    > click on add a device option
    > select your echo device
    > then follow the instructions provided by the applications and complete the setup

Written by george feth
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