My printer is not picking up my Wi-Fi connection.

Bryon McKie
Oct 31, 2018 10:43 PM 1 Answers Printers
Member Since Oct 2018
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My printer is not picking up my Wi-Fi connection.

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Eric Williams
Nov 03, 2018

Make sure your printer is not too far from your router .
It should be with in 25-30 ft. from your router
> Make sure your Wireless option is ON on your printer

If it does'nt work then try rebooting your printer.

or if there is any ethernet slot on your printer then connect connect your printer through the ethernet cable.
and after that type assigned ip address on the browser which is provided by the router to the printer
then it will take you to the web interface of the printer
and from there you can setup your printer wireless and after that you can disconnect the ethernet cable.

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1 comment
  • Make sure your printer is not too far from your router .
    It should be with in 25-30 ft. from your router
    > Make sure your Wireless option is ON on your printer

    If it does'nt work then try rebooting your printer.

    or if there is any ethernet slot on your printer then connect connect your printer through the ethernet cable.
    and after that type assigned ip address on the browser which is provided by the router to the printer
    then it will take you to the web interface of the printer
    and from there you can setup your printer wireless and after that you can disconnect the ethernet cable.

Written by Bryon McKie
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