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  • To setup amped range extender follow these steps:-
    >Plugin the amped range extender near to your home router for the initial setup.
    *If you made any change on the extender before, then reset the extender by pressing reset button at least 20 seconds.
    >Connect any of your wireless device with amped wireless network.
    >Open any browser and in the address bar type or http://setup.ampedwireless.com
    >Now you will see the SCAN button on the page, click on it and after that it will scan the wireless networks nearby to it.
    >From the list select network that you want to extend and then enter password for the same.
    >In the next step if you want you can change the name of extended network and password of your choice that you want for it.
    >Now save the settings and range extender will reboot after saving the settings.
    >Once extender lights get solid connect your devices to the extended network and try to go online so that we can check that extender setup done successfully.

Written by bill12
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