how to get to login page of belkin EXT?

Oct 29, 2018 12:24 AM 2 Answers Camera & Camcorders
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how to get to login page of belkin EXT?

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2 Answers
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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Oct 30, 2018

> Connect your Computer with the extender's network
> After that open your browser and type this address:- https://belkin.range or type the ip address which is assigned by the router
> now enter the login password(default - leave blank)
>then it will take you to the login page.

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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Oct 30, 2018

Open any web browser and type or

Now you or on login page type here range extender password.

hit on the login.

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1 comment
  • > Connect your Computer with the extender's network
    > After that open your browser and type this address:- https://belkin.range or type the ip address which is assigned by the router
    > now enter the login password(default – leave blank)
    >then it will take you to the login page.

Written by aahilton
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