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  • Few steps you need to follow:
    > Turn On your router.
    > Connect an ethernet cable between router and the modem(cable should be connected to the internet slot at the back side of the router).
    > Now connect your computer or smartphone with the router's network.
    > Open your browser and type this address:- https://linksyssmartwifi.com or
    > Now follow the simple steps and complete the setup.

    once the setup is complete ,router is ready to use.

  • >Turn On your router
    >connect an ethernet cable between router and the modem(cable should be connected to the internet slot at the back side of the router)
    >now connect your computer or smartphone with the router's network or you can also connect an ethernet cable between router and computer
    >open your browser and type this address:- https://linksyssmartwifi.com or
    >now follow the steps and complete the setup
    once the setup is complete ,router is ready to use

Written by Maggie J
Router Categories


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