How do i configure my printer with arris router?

Oct 28, 2018 05:45 AM 1 Answers Printers
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How do i configure my printer with arris router?

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Eric Williams
Oct 30, 2018

There are two methods to configure your printer with the arris router:-
1) using wps option
2) using wifi setup wizard

If you want to configure your printer through wps then follow these steps:-
> Turn On your printer
> now go to the settings then network settings
>then select wifi protected setup option
>after that select push button option and press ok
> now with in 1 minute press and hold the wps button from your arris router for at least 3 seconds and then release it.
(If you don't have any physical wps button on your arris router then go to web interface of the router through the browser and from there go to the wireless and click on the add wifi protected setup option.)

and if you want to configure printer without wps then follow these steps:-
> On your Printer, go to settings then network
and then select wireless setup wizard
Now it will scan for available networks
select your network and then enter the wifi password and hit ok.
now it connect to your network.

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1 comment
  • There are two methods to configure your printer with the arris router:-
    1) using wps option
    2) using wifi setup wizard

    If you want to configure your printer through wps then follow these steps:-
    > Turn On your printer
    > now go to the settings then network settings
    >then select wifi protected setup option
    >after that select push button option and press ok
    > now with in 1 minute press and hold the wps button from your arris router for at least 3 seconds and then release it.
    (If you don't have any physical wps button on your arris router then go to web interface of the router through the browser and from there go to the wireless and click on the add wifi protected setup option.)

    and if you want to configure printer without wps then follow these steps:-
    > On your Printer, go to settings then network
    and then select wireless setup wizard
    Now it will scan for available networks
    select your network and then enter the wifi password and hit ok.
    now it connect to your network.

Written by TERRY JONES
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