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  • There are certain things you can try doing in order to figure out this issue :

    * For a start, reset the router to default settings.(Turn off everything & reboot in the following order: Modem, router, all devices.
    Wait a minute or two after each one.)

    * make sure that you have the most up-to-date firmware installed on your router

    * check you have the most recent drivers on the wireless interface on your computer.

    * Also keep in mind that those bandwidth test sites aren't really definitive. You might want to try 3 or 4 different ones and keep track of your stat's and then average them out and compare. That will give you much better idea what you're actually getting for bandwidth than running the test on one site only. ( fast.com , speedtest.com, ookla.com)

    * Borrow a router from your friend and try connecting it and run a speed test on it .

    * Contact your ISP

  • First of all, Connect your computer with the modem and check if you are getting the good internet speed, the speed which is claimed by your internet service provider.
    if not, then restart your modem and check if it works otherwise you need to contact your internet service provider.
    if yes, then there are some steps that you need to follow:-
    > first of all, restart your router and check
    > by changing the channels
    > mac-cloning
    if none of the above method works, then we can reset the router and then reconfigure it again.

Written by khanh
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