What is the command to clean temporary files from computer?

Joe Katona1
Oct 20, 2018 11:36 PM 1 Answers Computers & Tablets
Member Since Oct 2018
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What is the command to clean temporary files from computer?

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Sid lennings
Oct 28, 2018

Some commands that may help you in cleaning up your computer :
you have to type in CMD < RUN < windows key + R * rd /s /q %temp% * mkdir %temp% * rd /s /q c:\windows\temp\ * mkdir c:\windows\temp\

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  • Some commands that may help you in cleaning up your computer :
    you have to type in CMD < RUN < windows key + R
    * rd /s /q %temp%

    * mkdir %temp%

    * rd /s /q c:\windows\temp\

    * mkdir c:\windows\temp\

Written by Joe Katona1
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