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  • >connect your computer with the dlink router using an ethernet cable or through wifi network
    >then open your browser and then type this address:-
    >enter your login password(default password is admin)
    >once you are logged in , then from the left panel
    select wireless
    and from there we can change our wifi name and password
    and after that save the settings.

  • Few steps you need to follow:

    * Type your router’s IP address —— into your Web browser.

    * At the login screen, select “Admin” from the drop down menu and enter your admin password.

    * Once you access the Web configuration screen, click “Setup” in the top menu.

    * Select the “Wireless Settings” link on the left-hand side.

    * From there, click on the “Manual Wireless Connection Setup” button.

    * Scroll down to the field representing my “Pre-Shared Key”. If you don’t see it, select a security mode from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen first.

    * Type in a new password.

Written by chazmo44
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