How to connect my TV with the wifi?

Juan M
Oct 17, 2018 03:25 PM 2 Answers Smart home
Member Since Oct 2018
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How to connect my TV with the wifi?

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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Oct 20, 2018

> Connect to the wireless adapter to the usb port on your tv.

> press the menu button on the remote and select setup and then select network.

> If Network Type is set to Wired, select Network Type, and then select Wireless.

> Select Network Setup.

> Type your Wi-Fi password using your remote’s buttons.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Oct 20, 2018

In order to connect tv with wifi network , we need to follow some steps:-

  • Turn On your smart tv
  • now press the menu button from the tv remote
  • after that go to the network option
  • select network settings option
  • and then select wireless and then wifi
  • now it will scan for the available wifi networks
  • select your wifi network and enter the password
  • now it will check the connection and once its successfully connected.
  • Smart tv is ready to use
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  • Some steps you need to follow :

    * Find the Ethernet port on the back of your TV.
    * Connect an Ethernet cable from your router to the port on your TV.
    * Select Menu on your TV’s remote and then go to Network Settings.
    * Select the option to enable wired internet.
    * Type your Wi-Fi password using your remote’s buttons.

    HURRAYY..!! its done .

Written by Juan M
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