How to do the cleanup of my computer in order to get best performance from it?

Reggie Howell
Oct 11, 2018 02:40 PM 0 Answers Computers & Tablets
Member Since Oct 2018
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How to do the cleanup of my computer in order to get best performance from it?

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  • In order to clean up a computer to make it work faster :
    > Run cleanmgr
    > Remove temporary file and clean prefetch
    > open CMD in Run as administrator and run the command as sfc /scannow
    > Run the MRT tool
    > De-grade the graphics of the computer
    > Keep fewer files on the desktop screen
    > disable all unwanted services running on the startup and the backround

  • >remove the temporary files and prefetch
    >run cleanmgr
    >uninstall the unwanted application
    >increase the virtual memory of the system
    >under the visual settings , adjust it to the best performance option
    >open the task manager and check if there is any application which uses more than 30% of cpu usage, if yes then select that application and select end task.
    >run ccleaner software.
    >run adware cleaner

Written by Reggie Howell
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