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  • First connect your computer direct with Modem with a hard wire and also connect wireless with linksys router now you will get both devices connectivity with your computer now in your PC press window key + R key together, Run screen will be pop up now type ncpa.cpl and hit enter, network connection will be open select ethernet and do right click > select status > select detail and now copy the physical address. Open the browser and type linksyssmartwifi.com login to your router and open the mac cloning address and type the same physical address which you have been copied and save the setting, now plug out the ethernet cable from your computer and connect to the linksys router in internet slot, mac cloning done.

  • )On the Setup tab, click MAC Address Clone.
    NOTE: A Media Access Control (MAC) Address is a unique identifier pre-assigned to the network adapter of the computer. This is used by most Cable ISPs for authentication so subscribers can establish Internet connection.
    Thus, for Linksys router to work with your ISP, you have to enable the MAC Address Clone feature. This will allow your ISP to recognize the router as the computer with the registered MAC Address.
    Select Enabled then click on Clone My PC’s MAC.
    Once the MAC Address Clone feature is enabled, Internet status should be active.

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