How to setup Ring spotlight cam with tplink router?

Robert Campo
Jul 23, 2018 02:04 AM 0 Answers Camera & Camcorders
Member Since Jul 2018
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How to setup Ring spotlight cam with tplink router?

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  • 1. Download the Ring App on your mobile.

    2. If this is your first Ring product, You will be asked to set up an account. To set up an account:
    Open the Ring App
    Select Set Up a Device,
    Follow the in-app instructions to create a new account.

    3. Tap “Setup Device”
    Select Ring Floodlight Cam.

    4. After beginning the setup process you will have the opportunity to name your Spotlight Cam to distinguish it from the other Ring products in your account. Several default names are suggested or you can enter a custom name for your Spotlight Cam.

    5. In the next step, if this is your first time setting up a Ring product, you will get a request from your phone informing you that the Ring App wishes to use your phone’s location services to pinpoint your location. Allowing the app to do so will assist in inputting your address. Without a specific location, certain features of your Spotlight Cam will not work properly.

    6. If you just wired your Spotlight Cam and connected it to power for the first time, the bottom light will flash as the device goes into setup mode.
    If the bottom light is not flashing, you’ll need to press and release the Setup button
    On the wired version if the camera, this button is on the middle of the unit.
    On the battery version of the unit, the button is on top of the camera.

    7. For the next step, your phone or tablet will need to connect to the Wi-Fi network called “Ring Setup.”
    If you’re on an Android device, this step should happen automatically.
    On an iPhone or iPad, follow the instructions below:
    Press the Home button on your iPhone or iPad to leave the Ring app.
    Navigate to the “Settings” app.
    Tap “Wi-Fi.”
    Select the network from the list that begins with “Ring Setup.”
    Close your Settings App and return to the Ring App.
    When you return to the Ring app, the app will automatically scan for available Wi-Fi networks. Select the network closest to your Spotlight Cam to connect it.

    8. Once your Spotlight Cam has completed its update and setup, return to your app and use the app controls to test your camera and floodlights as well as adjust your coverage zones.

Written by Robert Campo
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