
Brian James Degler
Jul 18, 2018 09:53 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Jul 2018
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How do i connect my amped sr1000 with my devices.?

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  • #To setup your amped sr1000 extender kindly follow these steps:-
    -Plug in your extender in to the wall socket
    -Press the reset button/Pin hole on your extender for 10 seconds .
    -Wait Till the time all lights on you extender are back again.
    -Now you can connect your computer with the extended network.
    -Once connected with network open the Default IP of your extender i.e192.168.1.240
    -Now follow the steps and set up your extender with the existing network
    -Once configured You can took your extender to the place where you would like to use it
    -Connect your devices with the extended network .

  • First plug in the extender and power it on, then press the reset button for 10 seconds.
    Now connect the Ethernet wire from the SR10000 to the computer.
    Then check on your computer wireless network list it will show the default name amped extender setup.
    Launch the web browser and type the IP address will get the wireless setup wizard.
    Follow the steps choose your WiFi network name put the password for it and click Next.
    You can also change the name for your amped extender so that you can easily recognize it while connecting.
    Once the Smart Repeater has rebooted, it will load the setup summary page and provide you with the details
    of your setup.
    Just click Finish/Save and now to can disconnect it and can use it wireless.
    If you have any wired devices that you would like to attach to the Smart Repeater, you may do so now as

    Thank You

  • To set up your amped sr1000 extender kindly follow these steps:-
    -Plug in your extender into the wall socket.
    -Now you can connect your computer with the extended network.
    -Once connected with Network open the Browser(google chrome, internet explorer, etc and Type
    -Now follow the steps and set up your extender with the existing network
    -Once configured You can took your extender to the place where you would like to use it
    -Now You can connect your devices with the extended Network.

Written by Brian James Degler
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