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Scott Biscione
Jul 17, 2018 03:39 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Jul 2018
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How To Connect Printer With cable

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  • First set your printer near to the computer so that you can connect a wire easily without interruption.
    Power on the printer by pressing the power button on the printer and the power on the computer.
    Plug the USB cable from the printer to the computer.
    Press the windows logo at the bottom left and type in the search box “printers & scanners” and click on it.
    Next you will see the option of Add printers & scanners click on it and choose your printer and click add device.
    If it is not shown in the list just click on the bottom link “The printer that I want isn’t listed” and click Add printers & scanners.
    Depending on your printer, you may need to customize your settings before the printer is ready; once you’re done, the printer will be available for use.
    If it is asking for CD to install the software and drivers just do it for the same.
    Or else if you do not have the CD you can go to Manufacturer’s Official website and can download the software and drivers from there.

    Thank You

Written by Scott Biscione
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