Dlink Dir601

Anita Dalton
Jul 14, 2018 10:45 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Jul 2018
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1 comment
  • If the D-Link router is not working please follow the steps below:
    > First try to reset the router again, Press and hold the reset button down for 30 seconds
    > Wait for at least 2 minutes then let the router boot up and then try to configure the router again manually
    > if still, the router is not working
    > press and hold the reset button down for 30 seconds.
    > While holding the reset button unplug the router from the power and keep holding the reset button, wait for 30 seconds
    > plug in the router back to the power while holding the reset button and wait for 30 seconds and then release the reset button
    > wait for at least 5 minutes, once you see a solid power light and a solid wifi light reconfigure the router and it should work.

Written by Anita Dalton
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