how to setup a HP printer on a linksys router WRT1900 AC?

Lisa Barton
Jul 13, 2018 03:32 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Jul 2018
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how to setup a HP printer on a linksys router WRT1900 AC?

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  • Firstly Verify that all the devices like router and the computer are on.
    Turn on the hp printer and touch the arrow key on the touchscreen.Press setup and then network and then wireless setup wizard.It will automatically scan the available networks.
    Choose the name of your network in the list .Enter your WiFi password and press Done.
    If you are not aware of the WEP or WPA key, look at the labels at the back of your router.
    Once done press OK to confirm the network settings to enable the printer to connect to the network.
    Then install the drivers and software of printers on your computer from the hp webiste.
    The software will guide you through the installation process and complete the connection between your computer and the printer.

  • To set up an HP printer on wireless with your Linksys WRT1900AC Router you need to follow some instructions:-
    On the printer control panel touch wifi icon and then touch the wireless menu icon
    Touch wireless setting, then touch wireless setup wizard
    The printer will search for wireless networks
    Touch the name of your wireless network and click next
    Type your password and click connect
    Once its connected go to your computer
    Open any internet browser and go to and
    Install drivers will give you installation option
    Select wireless and hit next
    It will show you your network name select it and hit next
    Now it will install the network printer on the computer

Written by Lisa Barton
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