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  • STEP 1 Download the latest firmware file from our website: http://www.tp-link.com
    STEP 2 Go to the website http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with the password you set for the router. Click Advanced >System
    Tools > Firmware Upgrade
    STEP 3 Click Browse to locate the downloaded new firmware file, and click Upgrade AND Wait a few moments for the upgrading and rebooting

  • In order to update the firmware of a Tplink Router AC3200 Please follow the instructions below:
    > Make sure the computer should be connected to the router wireless or via Ethernet cable
    > pull up a browser and at the top on the address bar type in or http://www.tplinkwifi.net
    > router login screen for the Tp-link router will come up
    > The default username: admin and password: admin
    > Go to advanced tab > System Tools > Firmware upgrade
    > Check for a new upgrade if there is one upgrade it and wait until it completes the process.

Written by Frederick0343
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